Tuesday, February 3, 2015

PHOTOS [GRAPHIC]: ISIS Makes Most Barbaric Video, Burning Jordanian Pilot Moaz Al-Kasasbeh Alive

Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive

According to BBC reports, a video published online by Islamic State (IS) militants claims to show Jordanian pilot Moaz al-Kasasbeh being burned alive.

The video, which could not immediately be verified, showed a man standing in a cage and engulfed in flames.

Lt Moaz al-Kasasbeh was captured when his plane came down near Raqqa, Syria, in December on a mission to support the US-led military coalition against IS.

Jordan has been attempting to secure his release as part of a prisoner swap.

The video was distributed via a Twitter account known as a source for IS propaganda.
Jordan reportedly threatened to expedite the trials of prisoners affiliated with Isis, some of whom may face the death penalty, if the group killed al-Kasaesbeh.


  1. AnonymousFebruary 4, 2015 at 11:24 AM

    Can't find the whole video anywhere. Considering how badly the other ISIS 'execution' videos have been, I can't help but be skeptical here. Also, why are terrorists making bugs bunny fires? Why is he standing in the middle of the cage when the fire is on one side of the cage coming towards him? Anyone would walk to the other side, and possibly climb up to get away from the fire. Without seeing a video and watching the fire spread to him in frame, there's no way to prove that the thing that looks like a person burning is a person and not some sort of mannequin that was put there after the guy left the cage. All the photos where you can see the person, and that it is a person, the fire is clearly not near him, and he is clearly not afraid of it because he hasn't even bothered to walk away from it even though he has room to.

    1. AnonymousFebruary 4, 2015 at 10:51 PM

      You should study the ground and the layout of the fuel. It is set in a rectangle with channels coming from each corner. In other words, a square with a cross in it. And this poor soul is standing above the centre of the cross. Not sure if this is symbolic or had any meaning to the execution, but the scum that did it will pay for it as even under their own religious beliefs, the execution of a human being by being burned alive, is apparently only allowed to be carried out by God himself?

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